
18 October 2016

Inktober Update Days 10 - 17

Again for those of you who don't follow me on Instagram or Twitter here are my latest Inktober images.

To see days 1- 9 click here.

So I have continued to use the Inktober 2016 official prompts, linking these to a film.

I won't explain the links between these, most are probably obvious, if not try and work out the link.

Day 10 Jump: The Matrix

Day 11 Transport: The Time Machine

Day 12 Worried: The King's Speech

Day 13 Scared: The Stepford Wives

Day 14 Tree: Guardian's of the Galaxy

Day 15 Relax: Pretty Woman

Day 16 Wet: The Faculty (Ok so I will explain this one. If you've never seen The Faculty, the staff and some students are taken over by aliens. These body snatching aliens need a lot of water to survive.)

Day 17 Battle: Fight Club

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