
24 October 2016

Inktober Update Days 18 -24

Here's my Inktober drawings from the last week.

Click here for Week 1

Click here for Week 2

Day 18 Escape: The Shawshank Redemption

Day 19 Flight: Gattaca (Main character longs to travel to space.)

Day 20 Squeeze: Indian Jones, Temple of Doom (Bit of a tight squeeze)

Day 21 Big: 1984 (Big Brother is watching you.)

Day 22: Little: Honey I shrank the kids

Day 23: Slow: Inception. (Slow motion scene.) 

Day 24: One Dozen: Love Actually (The link here is 12 days of Christmas, and I'd already done 12 Monkeys)

18 October 2016

Inktober Update Days 10 - 17

Again for those of you who don't follow me on Instagram or Twitter here are my latest Inktober images.

To see days 1- 9 click here.

So I have continued to use the Inktober 2016 official prompts, linking these to a film.

I won't explain the links between these, most are probably obvious, if not try and work out the link.

Day 10 Jump: The Matrix

Day 11 Transport: The Time Machine

Day 12 Worried: The King's Speech

Day 13 Scared: The Stepford Wives

Day 14 Tree: Guardian's of the Galaxy

Day 15 Relax: Pretty Woman

Day 16 Wet: The Faculty (Ok so I will explain this one. If you've never seen The Faculty, the staff and some students are taken over by aliens. These body snatching aliens need a lot of water to survive.)

Day 17 Battle: Fight Club

09 October 2016

First week of Inktober 2016

I thought I would share my Inktober progress so far, for those of you who don't follow me on Instagram or Twitter.

Inktober is quite a simple concept, just produce a drawing using some kind of ink, liquid or pen/marker for every day in October.

This is the first time I've done Inktober, and I'm enjoying using it as a way to experiment with different types of ink and techniques. You will notice that all my images don't look exactly the same style, but it's a good challenge to see what's working and what isn't so much.

I'd decided to choose a different film for each image. Then I found out that there was an official Inktober prompt list. So I'm using this list, and picking a film that relates to that in some way. Some have an obvious connection, and some may be a feeling or single scene that link.

Popcorn ready? Here we go.

 Day 1 Fast: Speed

Day 2 Noisy: What Maisie Knew (Chosen because of the arguments, and Masie's rock star Mum)

Day 3 Collect: Wizard of Oz (Heart, Brain, Courage)

Day 4 Hungry: Hunger Games

Day 5 Sad: The Help (The scene where Aibileen get's fired and has to say goodbye breaks my heart)

Day 6 Hidden: Serenity (River reveals her superpowers which are triggered by subliminal messages in a cartoon)

Day 7 Lost: Labyrinth (Sarah can't remember what she's looking for and meets the junk lady who tries to distract her)

Day 8 Rock: Cliffhanger

Day 9 Broken: 12 Monkey's (The world is a bit broken due to a deadly virus.)

I think I'm happiest with The Wizard of Oz, The Hunger Games, and Cliffhanger.

I will post another update next week, but if you can't wait that long I'm uploading them daily to Instagram and Twitter.

If there's a film above that you've never seen that intrigues you, why not check it out.