
01 November 2016

Last week of Inktober 2016

I made it through Inktober! I've really enjoyed this month, and would definitely recommend the challenge to others.

Encase you missed any of my previous Inktober images

Click here for week 1.

Click here for week 2. 

Click here for week 3.

Now to look back on days 25-31

Day 25 Tired: Science of Sleep (Such a visually interesting film filled with some beautiful animation. This scene below is inside the main characters head, the blinds are eyelids. Yes that does sound a bit wacky, the whole film is quite quirky, and you should watch it!)

Day 26 Box: One Million Dollar Baby

Day 28 Burn: Frankenstein 1931

Day 29 Surprise: The Sixth Sense (I remember being so surprised by the twist the first time I watched this film.)

Day 30 Wreck: Life of Pi (I think this is my favourite this week. I did this in brush and ink. The majority of my images for Inktober have been using ink pens.)

Day 31 Friend: Inside I'm Dancing

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